
Start The Process
The Training Gym

Find Your Gym
Acquire a training gym through an asset drop or in the marketplace. Rare gyms have more slots for training stations and trainers.

Station To Station
Each gym has empty slots that can be filled with training stations. There are hundreds of stations, each with a unique training specialty.

Making Connections
Training stations + trainers maximize the progression points a trained virtual player earns each day

Customize Your Gym
Training Stations

On The Hunt
Training Stations range from common to rare and collectors can hunt for new training stations in asset drops or on the marketplace.

Staying Focused
Every training station has a focus that can either apply to all players (speed training) or very specific positions and attributes (QB Accuracy Training).

Rarity Matters
Rarity determines which positions can train at a station. The rarest training stations offer more flexibility.

Take It To The Next Level
Trainers and Training Aides

A Perfect Match
Trainers and Training Aides connect to specific stations and provide a boost to the progression points virtual players earn.

Special Set of Skills
Most trainers have a specialty that is focused on a unique type of training for one position (like a QB Accuracy Expert).

Celebrity trainers are rare and provide significant boosts to a virtual player’s training.

Invest In Your Gym
Staking Rewards

Staking Your Training Assets
Stake every training asset. Staked gyms, trainers and stations earn bigger and better rewards.

For The Long Haul
The longer you stake, the greater the rewards. Turn a basic trainer into one of the best over time.

Powered Up
Staked trainers and stations give you amazing bonuses and help you to progress your virtual players while building your gym for the long term.

Hard Work Pays Off
Training Results

Extra Points
Players earn progression points while at training stations, and the amount earned depends on the quality of the station and the connected trainer.

Rest And Reward
Players also have ‘energy’, which must be managed. When their energy runs out, they must rest before training again. Player energy is another factor in points earned.

The Choice Is Yours
Stations and trainers can have limited time, fans must maximizing that time. Pull it off and you could turn your virtual player into an impact player in the League.